Building blocks are small molecules with reactive functional groups those are basic components for organic synthesis. Chemical building blocks have a wide range of applications in medicinal chemistry, synthesis combinatorial compound libraries and scale up of drug like lead compounds. One of the major strategies for pharmaceutical industry involved in drug discovery is the use of organic building blocks prepared for fast and reliable constructions of small molecular compounds for biological screening.
Building blocks, API Impurities for Medicinal Chemistry.
Nitrosamine compounds are potent genotoxic agents in several animal species and some are classified as probable or possible human carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The guidance recommends control of any known mutagenic carcinogen, such as nitroso-compounds, at or below a level such that there would be a negligible human cancer risk associated with the exposure to potentially mutagenic impurities.
FDA recommended that manufacturers take action to quantify nitrosamine levels in their drugs and to 02/314/005
Glycomindsynth offers a large number of building blocks, ranging from widely needed chemical building blocks to rare compounds for Pharmaceutical R & D, Drug discovery, Institute R & D, API Industry.